Marketing research is an evaluation of the market for a product or service by collecting and analysing data on the target market. The goal of marketing research is to make decisions about future actions for product or brand development, marketing strategy, and marketing budget allocations. There are many different methods of market research such as qualitative, quantitative, probe market research, focus group and analytic market research and there are many ways to approach each one. This post will de-mystify market research methods and techniques is all about.
Market Research Methods and Techniques
Qualitative and Quantitative Marketing Research: -
In general, you can think of market research as falling into one of two groups: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative marketing research focuses on gathering data from people's opinions and experiences and tends to be more open-ended and exploratory in nature. Quantitative marketing research focuses on gathering data from transactions or other hard numbers and tends to be more structured and analysis oriented.
Probe Marketing Research: -
Probe market research is a study research method to collect the data about the customers views on the product or a service is called probing. Probes are basically questioning and answering to a product or a service to get the satisfaction of the product or a service. Probe market research is used for the customer satisfaction of the product or a service to find the customer opinion about the product or a service.
Focus Groups: -
Focus group is a research methodology used to get feedback from people about what they like or don't like about a product or service, or what changes they would like to see made to it. It is a group discussion, wherein a set of people discuss about their opinion on the topic under consideration. Usually, focus groups are conducted in a group of 8-10 people, where they are observed and analysed by a professional moderator.
Formative Marketing Research: -
The word "formative" is used to describe the type of market research that takes place before a product or service is launched in the market. It is also known as exploratory marketing research, and it has four specific goals: to help you understand your customers and their needs; to help you understand your competitors and their offerings; to help you identify potential business opportunities; and to help you understand the market's overall potential for your product or service.
Analytical Marketing Research: -
The industry has a few different names for it, but they all refer to the same thing: analytical marketing research. Several known as "market research", while others known to it as "analytical marketing research". It basically involves analysing a market to find out about the current state of it, and what trends are taking place within it. This isn't about making guesses or inferences about a market. Instead, it's about using hard data to find out what's going on.